Guest Chef weekend at Wilbur Hot Springs

Wilbur Hot Springs will host guest chefs Charlie and Marion Cascio Sept. 25.

Charlie Cascio has cooked throughout Europe, including Germany, France, Belgium and Spain. Cascio has worked as a personal chef and has been head chef for numerous restaurants. He has taught natural food cooking seminars to individuals, restaurants, and health professional throughout Europe and the Untied States.

He continues to cook for large conventions to develop natural health food products and recipes, and to teach courses on cooking, including cooking with raw foods.

Marion Cascio comes from a family of cooks and has been involved with restaurants since childhood. She studied classical culinary arts in Germany for five years and has cooked in many famous restaurants and spas. Marion Cascio was a staff cook at the Esalen Institute for five years where she learned ethnic cooking techniques and fell in love with cooking from the garden. Cooking is a creative outlet, a place where she can be an artist of taste and texture.

Charlie and Marion Cascio live completely self-sufficiently on land in Big Sur where they keep goats, bees, chickens, and an abundant garden. During their weekend at Wilbur, they will marry healthy, organic cuisine with exceptional taste.

For more information about Guest Chef weekend, visit, or contact the reservation line at (530) 473.2306.
