Prostate researchers convene in Incline

Nearly 300 of the world’s leading researchers focused on the problem of prostate cancer are in Incline Village for three days to discuss the latest scientific data and breakthroughs in prostate cancer.

The 16th Scientific Retreat sponsored by the Prostate Cancer Foundation concludes Saturday.

It is projected that prostate cancer will take the lives of 27,000 U.S. men, while 192,000 new cases are diagnosed. While the death rate from prostate cancer has been reduced by nearly 40 percent from what was once projected, the number of new cases diagnosed each year continues to rise. By 2015, the annual number of new cases may grow to 300,000.

“This meeting takes on additional urgency as it has been more than two years since there has been a government-sponsored meeting of this kind,” Howard Soule, executive vice president and chief scientist for the PCF, said in a press release. “This annual meeting is a catalyst for scientific exchange and has helped accelerate scientific discovery for prostate cancer during the past decade. Some of the most promising developments on the field have come out of this meeting and the work of PCF-funded scientists.”

A total of 81 scientific presentations on new research on treatment and prevention of early and advanced prostate cancers from 98 cancer research centers will be featured. The new data to be discussed originate from research programs in nine countries.