Restoration plans for 2004 Fred’s Fire

A draft environmental impact statement for the reforestation of approximately 4,320 acres of Eldorado National Forest lands burned in 2004 in the Fred’s Fire near Kyburz is available for public review and comment.

The U.S. Forest Service will accept comments until Oct. 26. The DEIS and related information is available at

The Fred’s Fire resulted in adverse effects to forest resources such as high rates of soil erosion, increased sedimentation to streams, destruction of wildlife habitat, and caused extensive tree mortality.

Previous projects addressed the need for removal of the dead trees, repairing damaged roads, providing for public safety, and replanting plantations. The Fred’s Reforestation Project DEIS proposes to further the restoration of the area so seriously impacted by the Fred’s Fire.

For information regarding the project, contact Robert Carroll at (530) 647.5386 or