Retiring airport manager honored

Rick Jenkins was surprised by the plaque. Photo/SLT

Rick Jenkins was surprised by the plaque. Photo/SLT

Publisher’s Note: These are the words of City Manager Dave Jinkens on Wednesday during the plaque dedication for Rick Jenkins, who has retired as manager of Lake Tahoe Airport.

There are many people we meet who seek the recognition of others in their lives and their work, and there is nothing wrong with this perfectly human trait. After all, as the adage goes; “god helps those who help themselves.”

Rick jenkins is one of those rare individuals who does not seek glory, fame, and recognition. He has been a devoted resource person and leader for the airport, as airport director and as a resident of the community. He spends a great deal of time working with others to make the airport a success.

For this reason, it is with all the more pleasure that all of us are here this afternoon to give rick jenkins recognition, whether he wants it or not, for what he has done for the airport and our community. I have no doubt whatsoever that without his help, support, guidance, knowledge, dedication, inspiration and care, we would not be on the current path we are on today to return scheduled air service to south lake tahoe soon. We look forward to that day with optimism because of his work.

Rick has had support in this endeavor from the City Council, Airport Commission, assistant city manager and his team of fine airport employees, but without him, we would not have made the progress we are making today.

Thank you Rick for caring so much about the airport, air fest, and our community. Thank you for the dedication, skill, and the diplomacy you have shown in gaining support for and recognition of our airport. All of us in Lake Tahoe have benefited and will benefit in the future from your work here. This airport is your gift to us and our posterity.

While you do not seek recognition and glory, we as your friends and colleagues owe it to you to do so.

David  Jinkens, city manager