ZCES teacher needs assistance
Dear Publisher,
I am writing to you to ask your help regarding a newspaper article letting our community know that Konnie Susich, our dear friend and 20-year kindergarten teacher at Zephyr Cove Elementary School, has multiple myeloma.
You can learn more about this cancer at www.multiplemyeloma.org She has been undergoing treatment at Huntsman Cancer Institute (University of Utah). For more information about her treatment, you can read her journal at http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/ksusich/journal
There are many costs associated with the treatment, which her insurance does not cover. Her estimated out of pocket expenses over the next 2½ years is approximately $23,000. Due to the risk posed while her immune system is weakened, she cannot teach or be near children at all during the first six months of treatment. She greatly misses “her kidsâ€!
We want Konnie to focus all her energy on getting well, without having to worry about financial concerns. To assist her, my husband, Lawrence Howell, and I have set up a donations account at Wells Fargo Bank (Account #2553092657). Donations can be taken to any branch. Checks can be made payable to Choice Corporation/For the Benefit of Konnie Susich.
We have scheduled a fundraiser at Round Hill Pines Beach for Sunday, September 20th from 4 to 8pm. This spaghetti dinner will be $25 per adult and $15 per child. Tickets are available at the door. Harrah’s has generously donated the food. The Forvilly Family has generously donated the venue.
If any one would like to help with fundraising efforts, they can contact me, Heather Howell at htiernanh@gmail.com
Thank you for your help,
Heather Howell, Nevada