Cash incentive to toss old woodstoves
The El Dorado County Air Quality Management District (AQMD) is working to improve winter air quality by continuing to offer incentive rebates toward the purchase of clean burning stoves and fireplaces.
Currently the AQMD has approximately $38,000 available to help residents offset the cost of the removal and replacement of older, wood stoves or fireplaces with more efficient devices. Originally approved by the AQMD Board of Directors in July 2007, the purpose of the Chimney Smoke Reduction Incentive Program is to reduce particulate matter emissions caused by inefficient residential wood combustion.
Funding is intended for primary residences in El Dorado County and is available on a first come, first served basis. Applications and additional information about the Chimney Smoke Reduction Incentive Program are available at:, or at (530) 621.6662.
El Dorado County’s Air Quality Management District is a Division of the Environmental Management Department. The AQMD administers the California and Federal Clean Air Acts via guidelines set forth by State and Federal Agencies.