Cefalu: Setting the record straight on Measure B
Dear Publisher,
It is truly disappointing to read the comments of the Publisher of the Tahoe Mountain News regarding Measure “B” and the opinions expressed in the Editorial in the latest edition. It can only be classified as a short-sighted, narrow minded viewpoint. Not only is the information distorted and exaggerated, it is simply untrue as to the motives of the many residents of this community who have come forward to pledge their effort to support the re-building of the playing fields at Rufus Allen Blvd. It is unfortunate that the Mountain News has not informed themselves as to the provisions of Measure “S” as it was crafted almost 10 years ago. You have chosen to rely on your inaccurate interpretation and the risk of dividing the recreation community.
Measure”S” was very specific as to the allocation of funds for bike trail maintenance to the tune of $5K per mile of newly constructed bike trails. The failure of the State of California to provide funding for new bike trails should not be a reason to hold the balance of the recreation community hostage and to now suggest that bike trail maintenance is priced at $18K per mile, is ludicrous.
This effort is not intended to only provide for the “Little Leaguers”, but as well, the soccer programs and the “T-Ball” leagues. To suggest that we do not have the youngsters to participate in these activities is an illustration of your lack of knowledge of the demographics of this community.
The opportunity to re-build this complex is the one opportunity this community will have to provide a facility that the community and participants can be proud of. As we travel to surrounding communities and witness the facilities that are available to their youth, we should be ashamed that we do not provide better for our young people, nothing more than a complex that is approaching 50 years old. We are not merely seeking to have all of the funding provided by “Measure S”, but a partnership to be formed with the community to match the funding that we may realize from the passage of Measure “B”. The issue of long-term maintenance money was never a concern nor were we expecting any funds to maintain this facility, it will be taken care of as it has in the past, by the City of South Lake Tahoe and volunteers of the various “team sports”. That issue is no more than a “ruse” by the opponents to make us appear as though we are “pulling a fast one”.
Measure “B” WILL NOT ALTER NOR RAISE TAXES TO ANYONE. With over $20 million of taxpayer money spent for bicyclists in recent years, it is not too much to ask that Measure “S” funds be used to up-grade an existing facility, the youth of our community deserve it. VOTE YES ON MEASURE “B”.
John N. Cefalu, South Lake Tahoe