Cocores: Reasons to be on STPUD board
Letter to the Publisher,
My name is Peggy Cocores and I hope to be your candidate for Seat 5 in the STPUD election on Nov. 3.
WATER IS THE ISSUE. Safe, clean, and AFFORDABLE. As a business woman, independent voice, and 39-year local, my mission and promise to you is fiscal responsibility,24/7 representation with openness and integrity.
The STPUD board and the incumbent have known for 5 years that we are going to be put on meters and yet they didn’t plan for the financial losses which could fall upon the district, nor did they tell the ratepayers what we are potentially facing in terms of cost. We will have to make adjustments and I want to make sure we are properly represented when decisions are made as to how we will be assessed. My goal is to keep rates as fair and equitable as possible.
As a business woman, I will approach district matters using common sense, and pledge to work with whomever is elected.
I believe in giving back to our community and I pledge that as your elected official, I will keep you, the ratepayers, informed first and foremost. I promise to remember you are the “Public” in South Tahoe Public Utility District.
Please support me on Nov. 3.
Vote Peggy Cocores for Seat 5 South Tahoe Public Utility District.
Thank you,
Peggy Cocores