Audit: Parole Board failed in Garrido case

By Sam Stanton, Sacramento Bee

State parole agents failed completely to properly supervise accused rapist and kidnapper Phillip Garrido for 10 years, and after his alleged victim, Jaycee Lee Dugard, was discovered alive in August top corrections officials praised parole despite the fact that agents missed numerous opportunities to discover her presence, a new state audit has found.

Phillip Garrido

Phillip Garrido

A four-page executive summary of the audit by Calfornia Inspector General David R. Shaw, posted online at 11 a.m., lists numerous failings by corrections officials and suggests needed improvements in the system. A detailed report on Shaw’s two-month investigation is expected to be released after a news conference this afternoon, but Shaw found “systemic problems that transcend parolee Garrido’s case and jeopardize public safety.”

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