Bringing awareness to diabetes

Your eyes won’t be playing tricks on you. Lights illuminating the Nevada Capitol Building and the Governor’s Mansion in Carson City will turn blue today. This is an effort to raise awareness of diabetes on World Diabetes Day. The Empire State Building in New York, the Sears Tower in Chicago, Niagara Falls, Los Angeles International Airport, as well as other well known landmarks around the world will be bathed in blue light on today.

The effort is coordinated by the International Diabetes Foundation. According to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, one out of every three children born in the United States from the year 2000 on will develop some form of diabetes in their lifetime.

“All Nevadans should be aware of this serious disease and do whatever they can to help find a cure,” Gov. Gibbons said in a statement.

The blue lights at the Capitol and the Governor’s Mansion in Carson City will stay in place until the end of November.