Douglas deputies graduate from academy

Douglas County sheriff’s Deputies David Cadwallader and Bill Coleman graduated from the Nevada Peace Officer Standards and Training (P.O.S.T.) Law Enforcement Academy Nov. 13.

During the academy, law enforcement cadets are instructed in such topics as: Federal, State and Local Laws, Laws of Search and Seizure, Laws of Arrest, Community Oriented Policing, Physical Fitness, Use of Force, Defensive Tactics, Handcuffing and Searching, Interpersonal Communication, Interview and Interrogation, Crime Scene Processing, Domestic Battery Investigation, Report Writing, Dispatch and Radio Procedure, Traffic Enforcement, Traffic Accident Investigation, Emergency Vehicle Operations, First Aid and Lifesaving Procedures, and a host of other law enforcement and public safety topics.

Cadwallader and Coleman have been with DCSO since February 2008. Prior to that, Coleman was a 15-year veteran reserve officer with DCSO.