Free subscription to Lake Tahoe News

Subscribing to Lake Tahoe News costs nothing. Your email address will not be sold — at least by the current ownership. You won’t receive spam because of your subscription.

What you will get is a once daily (morning) email telling you everything that has been posted in the last 24 hours. A link is provided to get you immediately to a specific story. A couple paragraphs are included to give you an idea what the story is about.

On occasion you will receive emails about “breaking” news stories. It’s Tahoe — we use “breaking” conservatively because we know you’re busy — even if busy means hiking, biking or skiing. The last “breaking” story was the decision on Johnny Poland.

To subscribe, click here. (Here is the Home page.) Then go to the bottom right where it says Subscribe.

Everyone likes their news in different ways. This method allows you to not have to navigate the website every day. It also gives you the headlines of the past 24 hours.

Thank you for reading Lake Tahoe News. And please feel free to send this to your friends who might be interested in subscribing.

Kathryn Reed, LTN publisher