Nason: Water bond critical to keeping Tahoe blue

Dear League Members and Friends,

(On Nov. 3) Senators Reid, Feinstein, Ensign, and Boxer introduced in the Senate a bill that would authorize up to $415 million for projects at Lake Tahoe, including wildfire risk reduction, stormwater pollution prevention, and environmental restoration. However, future federal funds will be contingent upon the ability of the states of California and Nevada to provide matching funds. The state of Nevada has already arranged for bond funding for its share of the match.

Given the state of the California budget, bond funding is Lake Tahoe’s only hope at present for financial support to match federal funds. Currently, the California Legislature is engaged in a special session to consider whether to place a water resources bond on a future statewide ballot. Various proposals are circulating, and at least some of them include $75-$100 million in bond funding to help Keep Tahoe Blue.

Lake Tahoe’s future is at stake. Please contact your state senator and state assembly representative today and urge them to support funding to Keep Tahoe Blue in the water bond. Point out to them that Lake Tahoe is a statewide and national natural treasure, not a local issue, and that critical federal matching funds may be at stake.

Thank you for taking action!

Rochelle Nason, executive director League to Save Lake Tahoe