Thanking Treat Street supporters

Letter to community,

The South Tahoe Chamber of Commerce wants to thank, Danny Freemon, owner of Pine Cone Acre Motel, KOWL and KRLT radio, city of South Lake Tahoe Fire and Police Departments of their help in Halloween Night Treat Street.

Many individuals and business that participated in Treat Street 2009 were Bob Attinger – Attinger Insurance, David and Karen Borges, D.C. – Borges Chiropractic, Leteicia Hansen – Mary Kay, Wendy David – LTSUD School Board, Pete McRoberts – Holiday Inn Express, Sue Novasel, STPUD, Duane and Tami Wallace – High Country Lodge and LTUSD, Scotty’s Hardware, David Kurtzman, Grocery Outlet, Sierra House PTA, Tahoe Valley PTO, Tahoe Pool Service, Eric Schafer – STPUD, Kiwanis Club of Lake Tahoe, Kiwanis Club of Tahoe Sierra, JoAnn Conner – Pre-Paid Legal and ID Shield, Food Bank, Mike Doyle and Staff, Kandee – Staples and Tahoe Discount Mattress, STAR volunteers and Mark Johnston of Bolero Innovations Web Site/Business Developer.

South Tahoe Chamber of Commerce