Kiwanis fills shelves at Jack’s Food Pantry

By Kathryn Reed

For 25 years Jack’s Food Pantry based in Tahoe Community Church has been providing people in need with a bag of food each week.

In this economy, more people are in need and fewer people are able to give.

The Kiwanis Club of Lake Tahoe gave $1,000 to the organization this month. Bob and Kathy Pavich, who run the pantry, were at the Dec. 8 meeting to share their appreciation for the money and tell a little bit about what they do.

Although the church is on Kingsbury Grade in Stateline, the bulk of the people walking through the pantry are from California — 75 percent. And nearly a third are children.

Feeding 50 families a week means the shelves are bare fast. Last year, 6,598 people were helped by Jack’s.

The bag of food people receive is considered a three-day emergency supply. Bags are distributed each Friday at 3pm.

At Thanksgiving, organizers provide 147 turkey dinners.

Jack’s Food Pantry receives its help from the Northern Nevada Food Bank, bread and dairy from Raley’s and Safeway, and donations such as what Kiwanis gave.

For more information, call (775) 588.5860.