LTCC brags about financial audit

Hello Everyone,

It is with great excitement that I announce that our annual audit report was delivered to our Board of Trustees last night by Tom Perry Smith of our financial auditors, Perry-Smith LLP. Our district received a “clean” unqualified opinion with no disclaimers or adverse language in the report (which is the type of opinion an organization strives for). All five reportable conditions and adverse comments included in last year’s audit report were fixed as of this year and did not appear in this year’s report.

I would like to thank my staff in Fiscal Services for working so hard during the fiscal year to obtain such a great opinion. I am quite proud of all of them and the progress they made this past year in gaining an understanding of all the aspects of what goes into a financial audit and then demonstrating that understanding during the audit process. I would also like to thank the personnel in all of the other departments that helped during the audit process too.

Thank you and Happy Holidays!

Marc Sabella, CPA, director of Fiscal Services Lake Tahoe Community College