What’s a cool gift for less than $20?
Shop — it’s a four letter word in a super negative way for so many people this time of year.
With the economy being what it is, household incomes such as they are and the pressure to buy, buy, buy this time of year, let’s help each other out.
Twenty dollars. What if that were the maximum amount you could spend on a gift? What would you buy? What would you make? What would you sell someone?
Send your suggestions to info@LakeTahoeNews.net. Suggest ideas to other readers about what $20 or less can buy, who it might be good for if that’s not obvious, where to buy it, how to make it. Make the ideas as Lake Tahoe or Sierra Nevada oriented as possible. If you have a picture of the item, the store, yourself, then send it along as a jpeg. Include your name and contact information in case we have questions. If you are OK with your name being credited with the suggestion, indicate it’s fine to publish it. Your phone number and/or email address will not be published.
Keep what you write to 150 words or so.
Keep the ideas family friendly and legal.
Lake Tahoe News reserves the right not to print all of the suggestions and to edit them.