Anderson on track to conquer halfpipe

Jamie Anderson, 19, is one of the top female snowboarders in the world. She dominates slopestyle events. She is aiming for the Olympic halfpipe team — slopestyle is not an Olympic event.

Home resort: Sierra-at-Tahoe

Jamie Anderson

Jamie Anderson

Why did you choose this resort?: Because it’s close to home and it happens to be the best!

How often are you in Lake Tahoe?: Not very often.

When you aren’t training and competing where can we find you and what would you be doing?: Either hiking, swimming, camping, bowling, skating, or chillin at the beach.

How long have you been participating in your sport? 10 years!

Who inspires you most and why? My mom is a huge inspiration to me. She is so real! I learn so much from her all the time and it’s so empowering to be around people like her.

Your life is devoted to an event that is over in minutes, how do you prepare for that thrill of victory or agony of defeat? I have no attachments. I sincerely love what I do, and of course I’m happy if I win, but I’m not sad if I don’t. I know that I’m only doing it for the love, so all is well.

Anything else you would like to add? One Life! Send it!

Publisher’s note: Read about what is happening along the Olympic torch route on Jan. 8.