USDA food distribution in Douglas County
The 2010 USDA food distribution schedule at the Tahoe Douglas Senior Center, 885 Highway 50, Zephyr Cove is from 9-10am on Jan. 28, March 25, May 27, July 29, Sept. 30 and Nov. 18.
The eligibility requirements are: having Nevada ID, reading the “self-declaration assurance” form and signing it to the certify that household income does not exceed 150 percent of the federal poverty guidelines.
The types of commodities expected to be available are canned juices, canned fruits and vegetables, canned and frozen meats, dry beans, peanut butter, dry milk and pastas. There will be approximately eight commodities per distribution per person in household.
There are other Douglas County distribution locations as well as one in Carson City. The food distribution program is administered through the state – (775) 688.2828.