Training dates for CASA in South Tahoe
There are many children in South Lake Tahoe who are in need of a special “voiceâ€. These are children that have been abused or neglected and have not had a voice to speak for their safety and needs.
The South Lake Tahoe branch of CASA El Dorado County is offering a spring training class for adults interested in becoming a volunteer advocate and a powerful voice in court for children.
An introduction to our Court Appointed Special Advocate program will be March 4 from 4-5pm. Classes will continue for four weeks from 4pm-5pm: March 9, March 11, March 16, March 18, March 23, March 25, March 30 and April 1.
Plus, two additional Saturday trainings from 9am-2pm on March 3 and March 27.
Each person completing the training is then eligible to become a CASA.
CASA volunteers are appointed by a judge and advocate for a child’s best interest in court. Many of these children have been removed from their homes and are placed in foster care.
The CASA volunteer is often the only consistent person in their life during a traumatic time, serving as an advocate, a mentor and a friend.
The CASA program in South Lake Tahoe is serving more than 90 children but has children waiting. The requirements of a volunteer are simple: a heart for children and a few hours of time.
Call Kelly Parker or Amanda Morozumi at the CASA office at (530) 573.3072 for more information and to sign up for the training.