Snippets about Lake Tahoe
• Standards and Poors raised the South Tahoe Joint Powers Financing Authority bond rating from A- to AA-.
• SAFE Credit Union is offering $1,000 scholarships to students in the counties of El Dorado, Placer, Nevada, Amador, Sacramento, Yolo, Yuba, Sutter, Butte, Contra Costa, San Joaquin and Solano. Applications are due April 5. They are available at branches and here.
• Party Place, a one-stop shop for party needs, is going into the Factory Stores at the Y in South Lake.
• Artemis Mediterranean Grill is opening in the Kings Trading Post center in South Tahoe.
• Lake Tahoe USD’s Destination Imagination Team placed second in the regional tournament and is going to state in San Jose on April 10. This is the third year that this team has been together, having placed fourth at state in 2009. The team is seventh-graders Alexis Maya, Samantha Buscher, Kellen Gronwold, sixth-graders Bailey Barcellos, Scott Carlson, and fifth-graders Meg Carlson and Kamren Gronwold.
• Brooks Martin of South Lake Tahoe was named doctor of the year by Barton Memorial Hospital employees.
Funny how our still present City Mgr. (when is he leaving again?) can’t inform the public fast enough that there’s been an improvement in the credit rating, though is it much of one and does it take into account our long-term liabilities?
But ask him something tough and you get stalling, babble and non-answers! Did the City Mgr. ever answer the question about the costs of the Poland matter?
Right Parker ,just wait till the balloon payment for the money making city owned PARKING GARAGE COMES DO!