South Shore Soroptimists clubs honor women, students

soro[The Women’s Opportunity Awards program aids women seeking to improve their economic status by gaining additional skills, training and education. The program helps women who, as the primary wage earners for their families, must improve their employment status by entering or returning to the work force.

Women’s Opportunity Awards applicants have faced severe hardships that have prevented them from pursuing and achieving their educational and professional goals. The Women’s Opportunity Awards helps these women rebuild their lives through improved employment opportunities.

The Women’s Opportunity Awards program was created in 1972 by popular vote of the Soroptimist membership. Because of their interest in “upward mobility for women,” members voted overwhelmingly for the creation of an award for training or retraining that would enable women to obtain higher-level jobs.

Since the program’s inception, Soroptimist has funded almost $5.5 million in Women’s Opportunity Awards and has assisted about 1,640 women. In total (including local club activity), approximately $15 million in Women’s Opportunity Awards has been disbursed to about 25,000 women since the program began in 1972.

Soroptimist International of Tahoe Sierra awarded Michelle Harvey this honor this morning.

Soroptimist International of South Lake Tahoe honored Nicole Stimac with the award Wednesday.

Both clubs also recognized their Violet Richardson award recipients this week. The award is in honor of the president of the first Soroptimist club, Violet Richardson, a woman of action, whose indomitable spirit and sense of personal responsibility were demonstrated by her lifelong commitment to volunteering in her community.

Young woman between the ages of 14 and 17 who volunteer in their community or school can apply for this award.

The afternoon club on Wednesday paid tribute to Shanon Piazzo, Melissa Ewing and Alexis Holmes.

The morning club honored Gloriana Pillsbury, Ashni Patel, Hannah Elder and Krisha Penollar on Thursday.

Holmes and Pillsbury will be going on to the regional competition. At the regional level one finalist will be chosen among 28 winners for an additional award.