South Tahoe a biggest carbon loser?


Hello everyone,

The Sierra Nevada Alliance has submitted a fresh, new project, “The Biggest Carbon Loser,” to Brighter Planet’s Project Fund. The fund seeks to provide motivated Americans with seed money for projects that help people fight and adapt to climate change in their own hometowns.

The Biggest Carbon Loser project is a community-wide competition that aims to encourage community members to make sustainable lifestyle choices that result in long-term carbon emission reductions. Those involved will learn easy ways to take action against global climate change and show others that we CAN do something about it.

What is The Biggest Carbon Loser?

This week-long event will involve individuals, families, and local businesses and will record their carbon-saving activities, such as riding their bike to work, buying and eating local goods and saving water and energy at home. Participants will gain “reduction points” for taking action and prizes and awards await at the end of the week.

The pilot project will be in South Lake Tahoe with the goal of “losing” 10,000 pounds of carbon with this event. Then, the Alliance will work to bring the event to other Sierra communities, empowering people to fight climate change in ways that are easy, doable, and fun.

We need your help. Please take 90 seconds to vote and get the Alliance $3,500 in seed money for the project.

Quick and easy instructions for voting click here.

-Click on the “Sign up” link under the voting status

-Create a username (very quick process and you can opt out of emails)

-Head to your inbox and click on the confirmation link – it will redirect back to “The Biggest Carbon Loser” voting page.

-Now vote three times.

Why is this important?

Be a part of the bigger picture:

The global climate change crisis is the most significant of our time.

Fossil fuel emissions (oil, coal and natural gas) are the driving force behind Green House Gases. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, approximately 85 percent of all energy produced in the U.S. comes from non-renewable fossil fuels, which emit GHGs. This energy is then used to produce most electricity and power virtually all transportation with varying degrees of efficiency. Furthermore, the United States is one of the leaders in GHG emissions per capita of industrialized countries. A behavioral shift on an individual and community scale needs to occur in American towns and cities in order to address the global climate change crisis.

Most people are aware of the global climate change crisis, but few know what immediate things they can do or what actual impact those decisions and actions have. This project will help City government and residents understand the collective impact of individual actions to reduce green house gas emissions.

Thanks for your support and we’ll let you know the voting results.

Reyna Yagi, Sierra Nevada Alliance (


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This article was written by admin


Comments (1)
  1. Macoche says - Posted: March 8, 2010

    Well, of course, they’re sobering. Everything the Greens announce is sobering because, as you well know, the oceans are rising, the glaciers and polar caps are melting, we’re running out of oil, every animal on Earth is endangered, incandescent light bulbs and global warming will destroy all life on Earth, yada, yada, yada.
    The Greens have an established pattern. They use bogus computer modeling to conjure up scads of “data” that take years to debunk and dispute. In the meantime, billions are wasted on their schemes.
    This new hogwash conveniently debuts just before the United Nations Climate Change Conference to be held in Copenhagen in December. They will warn that carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are responsible for “global warming”, but there is NO global warming beyond what the Sun provides and CO2 plays no role whatever in climate change. The phony “carbon footprint” ignores the fact that carbon compounds form the basis for all known life on Earth!
    Their bogus “carbon footprints” ignore the fact that CO2 is vital to life because it is to all vegetation what oxygen is to all animals. It is food! More CO2 is better than less because it would provide for more abundant crop yields, healthier forests, and would reduce the spread of deserts.
    The key to spotting the Big Green Lie is the word “sustainability.” The Greens want to replace hydrocarbon fuels with “biofuels” such as ethanol which diverts real food like corn into a useless form of energy that reduces mileage and actually emits more CO2! The Greens want to pack humanity into crowded cities, forbidding people from living in suburbs filled with trees and lawns. They want to reduce vehicle size and encourage the use of electric vehicles.
    In short, the Greens want to impose the most stupid and evil standards and restrictions on human life. They would drag humanity back to an age when horses and oxen were the modes of transportation and means of agriculture. his is the goal of the United Nations Climate Change Conference and its treaty to impose a One World Order with its incumbent oppressive government structure to deprive its victims of privacy, dignity, and initiative. And, as history has repeatedly demonstrated, of life itself