California creates another watchdog group for Tahoe


tahoeBy Kathryn Reed

Another layer of government is encapsulating Lake Tahoe.

In March, members of the California legislative Joint Committee for the Protection of Lake Tahoe were named. The bill was passed last year to create the committee.

Lake Tahoe’s two representatives, Assemblyman Ted Gaines and state Sen. Dave Cox, both Republicans from Roseville, are on the panel. Joining them are the man who wanted to create the committee, Sen. Darrell Steinberg, D-Sacramento; along with Sen. Fran Pavley, D-Santa Monica; Assemblywoman Fiona Ma, D-San Francisco; Assemblyman Ira Ruskin, D-Palo Alto; and Assemblywoman Nancy Skinner, D-Oakland.

Members have yet to meet and there is no date for a meeting.

Steinberg chairs the panel.

“The Lake Tahoe region is a vulnerable ecosystem that we must protect while also repairing prior environmental damage,” Steinberg said in a press release last year after the legislation was approved. “This committee is essential in this process as it oversees capitol (cq) investments in conservation and restoration measures.”

His contention is the state committee will help implement the Environmental Improvement Program that has been operating without him and the others for more than 10 years.

When Gaines was in South Lake Tahoe last week he chatted with Lake Tahoe News about the latest layer of government. He isn’t sure what all the committee will do, but he wanted to be on the panel to ensure he had input into anything that might affect his constituents.

Gaines said the language is vague in the statute that was passed by the Legislature.

If nothing else, Gaines hopes the committee could help stimulate the economy in the region, while also helping ensure lake clarity remains a priority.

Because the seven members haven’t met, it’s unknown what their true collective intentions will be or if the the team was merely created for taxpayers to fund a trip to Tahoe for people who don’t represent the area.


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Comments (11)
  1. Dogwoman says - Posted: April 4, 2010

    GREAT! Just what Tahoe needs. More government beaurocracy manned by people who live in the city and have no idea what life is really like up here. Will they EVER tire of telling us yokels how to live?

  2. Shirley says - Posted: April 4, 2010

    Just what we need, is right. I am glad Ted Gaines is on the committee to help keep the group focused. Our tax dollars at work from our broken state government.

  3. Steve says - Posted: April 4, 2010

    “…Members have yet to meet and there is no date for a meeting…” says it all: Another useless, fully funded state committee or agency that accomplishes nothing more than keeping bureaucrats busy in unproductive meetings, generating irrevelant paperwork, and traveling to Lake Tahoe, meals included, at taxpayer expense. And if Darrell Steinberg is involved, a tax increase will be proposed to fund it all.

  4. Geeper says - Posted: April 4, 2010

    I think Dogwoman,Shirley and Steve said all.

  5. JoAnn says - Posted: April 4, 2010

    One good reason to pray for more blizzards – keep them away!

  6. Careaboutthecommunity says - Posted: April 4, 2010

    Unbelievable! We must be up for most regulated area on the planet now.

    You would think the government of the state of California would have enough problems to focus on right now with the budget crisis, that they wouldn’t be adding new, most likely, redundant committees that surely cost something.

  7. Kevin says - Posted: April 4, 2010

    Uh…Why do you have to point out that Assemblyman Ted Gaines and state Sen. Dave Cox, are Republicans but the Democrats slide by with just a ‘D’ after there names?

    Is “Republican” a good thing or a bad thing?

  8. Dogwoman says - Posted: April 4, 2010

    Hey, Care, it’s only taxpayers’ money, and they have an unlimited supply of that.

  9. hardtomakealivingintahoe says - Posted: April 4, 2010

    Dogwoman….did you know that every dollar we spend …..43 cents belongs to China!

    So I guess china, a few other countries that have bought up our companies , corporation, more less own us.

  10. Dogwoman says - Posted: April 4, 2010

    You just might want to mention that to the people who are running the country.

  11. hardtomakealivingintahoe says - Posted: April 4, 2010

    Like they really care ?

    Corporation are running the country, Lobbyist have got both houses in their back pockets.

    If all these so called agencies left the Basin, we be much better off.
    People could buy a few new boards build and replace the old worn out cabins with new design,decks,and not have to have all these EPA laws that holds so many hostage for big money for permits.

    I’m for a better Tahoe,I don’t think many are here to destroy the lake,but people got to eat,work,share,give.
    That’s a tall order in a world of bought off big projects and these laughable carbon credits.
    They are always saying we are building for the Future,hell I’m needing them to provide for the Present.
    You and I and a few old timers that are still here ,don’t have that much time left in Paradise.