Fallen Leaf board member highlights accomplishments

To the community,

This is in response to “Notice of Intention to Circulate Recall Petition.”

Fallen Leaf Lake CSD accomplishments since January 2008 [partial]:

Agreed to a six-year contract with store/café/marina concessionaire with a guaranteed base rent of $110,000 per year that achieves the minimum targeted needs of the CSD while providing complete financial transparency. This will allow the CSD to finally determine the true value of its asset while providing superior goods and services to the community and a welcoming atmosphere to all. The agreement with the Wirth’s is grounded in trust, good will, and a spirit of partnership between the concessionaire and the board.

In addition to the numerous CSD accomplishments listed in Director (Mike) Kraft’s response we have worked diligently to develop a five-year master plan for the fire department and will hire a new fire chief for this fire season from a field of 41 applicants. We continue to do substantial fuel reduction work within the district (75+ acres) and we continue to upgrade our apparatus and equipment in order to provide the desired level of fire/EMS service to the community.

I refused to resign as requested along with Directors Thomas and Kraft because many of the petitioners had been misinformed or misguided by the proponents. I do not believe that the petitioners constituted a majority. I believe the majority of the community supports the decisions of the board and that the financial future of the district is in far better shape today than if we had voted otherwise regarding the store/café/marina concessionaire. I look forward to continuing to serve our community with honesty and integrity.

Eric Thaden, director Fallen Leaf Lake CSD