Perez backs Hillman for EDC sheriff


To the community,

I write to inform you that I have chosen to endorse former Undersheriff Ernie Hillman to become our next sheriff. I know all the candidates, what they stand for, their strengths and weaknesses, and which is best suited to serve as Sheriff. In my opinion having been a chief for the past decade, Ernie is uniquely qualified for this position as CEO of our 400-member sheriff’s department.

Ernie is the only candidate who has been an undersheriff and acting sheriff, has managed more than 80 officers/deputies, and has the training and education for this office. Nobody comes close to Ernie – nobody. Ernie stands head-and-shoulders above the crowd.

I would be honored if you joined me in supporting Ernie for Sheriff of El Dorado County.

Thank you,

Stan Perez


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Comments (7)
  1. David Kurtzman says - Posted: April 12, 2010

    Thank you for you advice Mr. Perez. And what about all the campaign donations you received from those who believed you were the right person for the job?

  2. Alex campbell says - Posted: April 12, 2010

    Gee Davey, pray tell what about all the past campaign donations you solicited for John Upton? Oh yeah, from all those who believed he was the right person for his lifetime of political jobs.

  3. David says - Posted: April 12, 2010

    Stan Perez abrubtly dropped out of the when questions about the his college degree arose. Does enyone care about honesty and ethics anymore? Why in the world would any Sheriff candidate want Perez’s endorsement? Mr. Hillman must be betting that the general public has a short memory. Unfortunately, he’s probably right.

  4. Steve says - Posted: April 12, 2010

    The sheriff’s race appears to have degenerated into a game of Ring Around the Rosey and Musical Chairs, combined. I’d sure like to see some concrete facts. So far, they all seem immature and somewhat untruthful. Also wonder why the last sheriff resigned before his term was up, and why the undersheriff wanted no part in the race. What is going on down there? I wonder if retirement pension payout calculations are involved.

  5. Susan says - Posted: April 12, 2010

    Give me strength! This election and the majority of its candidates reminds me of the old adage; “Keep doing the same thing over and over and over again until you get a different result instead of trying a new approach”. There are a couple of candidates that offer a “new” approach and have more experience than just that of the EDSO. I say it might be time to look for someone that has “outside” experience in problem solving. A fresh look at an old problem can bring great results.

    Now about this Stan Perez endorsement; if you are crazy enough to accept the endorsement of a liar and a thief then you are not the upstanding, honest, moral person I want handling my law enforcement agency and staff. My sheriff needs to lead by example and remember “you ARE the company you keep”.

    Stan Perez and the rest of our CHP needs to be investigated for verification of stated education that has resulted in pay increases and promotions and when fraud of the taxpayer is found should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. We need to follow this until it is resolved completely.

  6. David Kurtzman says - Posted: April 12, 2010

    Nice to hear from you Alex. There is a slight difference. Whether you agree with him or not Mr. Upton accepted donations, ran a campaign, and was duly elected. A slight difference don’t you think?

  7. Alex campbell says - Posted: April 14, 2010

    David nice reply, sorta kinda reminds me of a Karl Rove,reinventing the “Upton Legacy.” Going back to the BOS embracing the Upton consensus process. BOS members considering themselves the power elite. Thinking the only way to govern is through a political machine. Now we have two of the Machine Screws back in office.
    The Briggs to no-where Jack Sweeney and Ray Brown Actor Nutting. Will John be next. Then we have Pizzuti vs Upton,very interesting case you were mentioned as ” represented by, old time friend, over 20 years, handled other transactions, fair to say pretty good friends right, yes we are” Then it goes on with 37 don’t remembers, don’t recall, i believe, i don’t believe, don’t no, i think, not sure. Plus much more in the March 6th transcript.
    Add 1993,the George Osborn appointment to the planning commission while living across or next door to Pere Wilson on Lake Willhagen Drive, Sacramento.
    The beat goes on like attempting to broker a deal to move Meeks way down yonder. There is a lot more public information out there. Shall we stop dancing,to the Oldies but Goodies.