SLT council proves it can play nice when the agenda is light

City Seal-Colored_RGBBy Kathryn Reed

The biggest news to come out of the South Lake Tahoe City Council meeting Tuesday is they all got along. With the meeting lasting less than an hour and most items being deferred to a future meeting, the biggest question was: Why was there even a meeting?

At an earlier meeting City Attorney Patrick Enright had said he was going to keep the agenda for April 20 light because he was going to be out of town. The council made it even lighter by doing almost nothing.

The issue of raising the master fee schedule received the most discussion. A full vetting of the issue was delayed until the April 27 10am special meeting at Lake Tahoe Airport. The mid-year budget will be discussed then.

Also moved to next week was discussion of creating a formal policy regarding employee meeting and travel expenditures.

Voting on the transfer of land use commodities was put off until next month.