Snow removal protection for Tahoe-Truckee gains traction

Legislation by Assemblyman Ted Gaines, R—Roseville, that would protect vital snow removal funding in Sierra Nevada, passed the Assembly Transportation Committee with bipartisan support on Monday.

“Snow removal is critical to help keep our mountain communities like South Lake Tahoe and Truckee safe and prosperous during the winter months,” Gaines said in a statement. “Not only do our roads need to remain passable at all times, but any cut to road funding in these areas would threaten public safety, the local economy and the ability for our kids to get to school in the winter months.”

Ted Gaines

Ted Gaines

Assembly Bill 2704 would ensure snow removal funding will be preserved if any allocation to local governments for road maintenance is suspended or rejected.

Last year, the Legislature narrowly escaped passing a redirection of Highway User Tax Account funds, which would have threatened money intended for local street and road maintenance.