Cohee’s new resort to partner with Sierra Nevada College
Sierra Nevada College at Lake Tahoe, home to the West’s only four-year degree in Ski Business and Resort Management, is opening its Center for Ski Business Studies at China Peak Mountain Resort.
This program is made possible due to the unique relationship between Tim Cohee, program director for SBRM at the college, and China Peak Mountain Resort, which Cohee purchased in April.
Cohee has been a senior executive at a number of the nation’s leading mountain resorts for more than 30 years, including 13 as president, general manager and chief operating officer of Kirkwood Mountain Resort. China Peak was the resort’s original name until 1982, when it was purchased and renamed Sierra Summit. Cohee has changed the name back effective this month.
The first group of ski business majors will intern at the resort beginning Dec. 12; one of four one-week internships offered.
“I am tremendously excited to be able to offer our top students in the SBRM program the ability to get inside resort operations for an entire week without distraction,” Cohee said in a statement. “Not only will they experience firsthand how resorts operate across a variety of departments, they’ll begin to develop a sense of which area of the resort interests them most, which will point them in the right direction after graduation. It will also help them focus on seasonal resort jobs that best match their passion while they are in school.”
The new Center for Ski Business Studies will offer 10 students at a time a choice of four one-week sessions. Students will arrive at the resort Sunday evening, stay at the resort hotel, and select five departments (out of 15) in which to spend one full day, including hotel, food & beverage, lift maintenance and operations, vehicles, marketing, accounting, human resources, ski patrol, and much more.
For more information, contact Tim Cohee at (775) 831.1314, ext. 7480, or
Where IS China Peak/Sierra Summit?
Here is a story with more details about the resort:
Kathryn Reed, LTN publisher