DCSD offers superintendent job to Washoe County employee

dcsdBy Kathryn Reed

Douglas County School District has a superintendent – assuming she accepts the position.

It took two votes Monday night for the board to unanimously agree Lisa Noonan should take the helm of the district. Noonan has also been interviewing in Michigan.

Board President Teri Jamin said a message was left for Noonan after the board’s decision. Assuming she says yes, a contract will need to be negotiated as well as a start date. Ideally, Noonan would start by July 1, but her commitment to Washoe County School District is likely to be a factor.

Interim Superintendent John Soderman has indicated he would stay beyond his June 30 agreement. He has also said he would help mentor Noonan if the board so desired.

Noonan is chief academic officer in Washoe. She is two steps removed from the superintendent’s job in Washoe.

One of the things that impressed Douglas board members during Noonan’s in-depth interview last week was her approach in the mock coaching exercise.

“Everyone felt her strengths benefit us. Her management style we felt is effective,” Jamin told Lake Tahoe News. “One of the things she discussed (in the exercise) was looking at the successful student who has graduated and where that student was at different levels in their educational career. She talked about working backward instead of just working on remediation of the unsuccessful student.”

The board has had several meetings in the last month trying to get a majority vote on one of the four finalists. The initial vote on May 17 at the Minden office was 6-1, with Tom Moore the lone no vote. His preference was David Jensen. On May 3 the board voted 4-3 not to hire him.

When a board member suggested the group vote again to make the decision unanimous, it became a 7-0 decision to hire Noonan.

The room was full Monday night, mostly with staff. No one from the public spoke.

Noonan has worked for four school districts in Nevada and California. She started her career in 1983 as an elementary schoolteacher.

She has a bachelor’s from Humboldt State University, master’s from San Diego State University and doctorate from UNR.

Noonan also has her private pilot’s license. She is married, has three stepchildren and four grandchildren.