Douglas County superintendent search drags on

By Kathryn Reed

Douglas County School District still doesn’t know who its next superintendent is going to be.

The board interviewed two candidates Monday night at the Minden office before a room of more than a dozen people. Board members Cindy Trigg and Karen Chessell were participating via telephone.

The first motion was to have David Jensen be superintendent. That failed 4-3. The next vote was to have Mary Bull be the district leader. That idea failed 5-2.

The board then voted to bring back the other two finalists for interviews. That passed 5-1-1, with Tom Moore voting no and Cindy Trigg abstaining.

District officials hope Heather Henderson-Hill and Lisa Noonan will be available for interviews at the end of next week.

In the meantime, John Soderman continues as interim superintendent. He resumed his old job after Carol Lark left in January.