Lariat basket making class

Regional artist Jeff Myers will give a class in lariat basket making and leather tooling on May 24, sponsored by the Carson Valley Arts Council (CVAC) at the Copeland Cultural Arts Center in Minden.

The six-hour class begins at 9:30am and costs $55 plus $10 for materials, which will be provided by the instructor.

Myers uses coiled nylon lariat rope, of various colors and textures, and incorporated pieces of intricately tooled leather, to build uniquely designed, rustic baskets. Myers, who spent many years as a Montana cattle rancher, said that his baskets turn the old lariats he accumulated over years of “working cattle and tying gates” into legitimate art pieces.

Myers’ baskets have been wildly successful, and he frequently partners with the Nevada Arts Council in arts outreach efforts. He guarantees his students leave class with completed baskets of their own.

For registration or additional information,visit or call (775) 782.8207. Limited space available.