Looking to put locals first


sltPublisher’s note: This message went out to all employees on May 26 asking for their comments. It is reprinted with permission.

Good Afternoon:

The city has an existing policy of the council to give preference to qualified local vendors of service in our procurement. We are proud of this fact. We are examining a proposal made by our Carpenter’s local to set specific preferences in the award of contracts in regard to local hiring.

The issue undoubtedly will be in this case whether the funds are federal, state or local funds. Different standards apply depending on the color of money, but I am very interested in what the city attorney comes up with. I hope that we can provide preferences in major construction contracts and put our own people back to work.

In a time when many people in our community are suffering under the pressures of a continuing slower economy, business is hurting, people are out of work not just here but in our nation, is there any merit to the idea of establishing a city policy that gives preference under certain defined guidelines for products that are made or assembled in the United States. I have nothing against foreign made products, but in these times, is there something reasonable our local government can do to promote purchase of American made and/or assembled products? Maybe if there was more consumer demand for American made products, there would be more American made products.

No, I wish no ill on our foreign friends and vendors. I just think we need to take care of our folks first.

Any comments and observations in this regard? What is the upside and what is the down side of proposing a policy like this one to the City Council? Are their secondary negative or positive benefits should such a policy be put in place.

I welcome ideas and comments from you.

Dave Jinkens, South Lake Tahoe city manager


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This article was written by admin


Comments (13)
  1. doubleblack says - Posted: May 29, 2010

    With so much money spent on outside the area consultants and property appraisers, the above blatherings by DJ is utter nonsense.

  2. Bob says - Posted: May 29, 2010

    This is different though I do agree they are being hypocritical regarding the use of consultants out of SLT.

  3. SLT Local says - Posted: May 29, 2010

    Interesting words coming from a man who drives a BMW.

  4. Parker says - Posted: May 29, 2010

    And what about all the managers in the City Govt. that have been hired from out of the area? There are many skilled people locally that weren’t even looked at for many positions. And locals would be more than happy with the salaries the City pays! In fact I bet those hired locally would be willing to take some pay cuts!

    So can we at least see some people locally in the mix and be interviewed for the City Manager position?

  5. Steve says - Posted: May 29, 2010

    Until the city stops wasting countless public dollars on unnecessary costly consultants, public facility debacles like the convention center hole and parking garage, underutilized and costly airport and its giveaway-rent restaurant, discouraging or actually driving out viable businesses, and collecting overdue TOT taxes, it has absolutely no business wasting more tax dollars on paying yet higher prices or rates for local sources or non-foreign manufactured goods. By this proposed policy, it would ridiculously preclude itself from buying most items found at Home Depot, Lowe’s, Staples, or Costco.

    Instead, the city should be seeking the best value for taxpayers. Competition is healthy for us all. These bureaucrats live in a fantasy world perpetuated by regular, steady, generous paychecks that come no matter what.

  6. Skibum says - Posted: May 29, 2010

    This will not work for jobs that go out to bid, by law and their own criteria they must go with the lowest bid no matter what. I know this from first hand experience, they will will say the lowest responsible bid to wet the appetite and hunger for work but they only go for the lowest bid. We can’t compete with the out of town guys who are willing to work for nothing then add to the final bill extras that would have been our price in the first place. I brought this up at a council meeting and forced the issue on the lowest responsible bid and was told they have to go with the lowest no matter what. If I am wrong about this or the city wants to put a different spin with the same results feel free to contact me and post in writing in public what the policy is and what prior results have been. This policy applies only to jobs that go out to bid over a certain amount. The city does hire out locally as I have gotten jobs from them, Thank You, but on some jobs they do not require the hauling or trailer rental person to be a licensed contractor, bonded, have insurance or anything else the rest of us have to have due to the cheap price for them. I don’t know how they get away with this. Feel free to contact me Dave if you know something I don’t. Hiring locally is good in theory and print but is lacking in reality.

  7. james says - Posted: May 29, 2010

    Skibum stirring the pot again. Bidding on public contracts has a long history around the country, we’re no different here at the city.
    contracts over $25,000 follows rules set by public policy law and must go to the lowest bidder because our taxes shouldn’t be wasted on people who over charge. what would you rather? Allow the city to give the contract to their friends who would over charge

    City contracts and purchasing rules are all on line. I follow them all the time when bidding

    go to their codes and look at chapter 22 purchasing. not that complicated.

  8. james says - Posted: May 29, 2010

    skibum if you don’t know about how to bid on contracts and how government works, how is it you’re always writing like you know everything and how the government should be run.

  9. Skibum says - Posted: May 29, 2010

    James, I have first hand experience in dealing with their bidding system and know that. I always offer suggestions to how things should be run and alternitives to what is happening here and am a great target for people like you. At least I am getting involved and not taking potshots at all who try and make a difference. Of course if you are happy with the status quo fine, but I only write what I know about and you are welcome to tell me different, it’s ok. If I am always wrong please point out what’s right. I have much experience with the city and bidding, do you work for the city and how am I supposed to believe what you say but thanks for the link. How come everytime I write something someone always is quick to tell me I am stirring the pot or that I am wrong. Most of my writings in the past are being written now and by some powerfull people but no one bags on them, whaa whaa me. Anyway, thanks james for your insight but no thanks. The city hides behind the letter of the law when it comes to bidding as there have been several bids very close together, within hundreds of dollars and from locals but it always goes to the lowest bidder. Contrary to belief locals do not overcharge or underbid in the begining like out of towners, Angora fire comes to mind where 75% of out of town contractors bailed when they couldn’t live up to their bids and the local fire victims called us to help. I am not one to roll over and take it like a man with how things should be run, so far they are run like a mess.

  10. Skibum says - Posted: May 29, 2010

    If it seems like I lash back at someone it’s probably true to an extent. I just get so frustrated at the way things are and I seem to be an easy target to hit all the time in these blogs. I try not to write to often as I am shot at immediatly when I do and no one seems to aggre with anything I have to say but only here in these blogs. Everyone I know that makes comments or observations about what I write outside these blogs is positive and offer a solution if they don’t aggree with me but always in a positive light. I guess that’s why these blogs are so frustrating and actually mean nothing in the real world because no one knows who is doing the writing except for me of course. Easy to hide and snipe without anyone knowing who you are, perfect mob mentality. If half these bloggers would stand up at council meetings things might change but until then same ole same ole.

  11. Louis says - Posted: May 31, 2010

    Well here’s a nutty idea that won’t work as I’m sure there is some sort of law against it.

    Require all bidders to have a business license to operate in the city of South Lake Tahoe. If someone doesn’t not have one (and it shouldn’t be too hard to just add your license number on a bid) there is a penalty in the bid of say $1000 by an ordinance they make.

    The city could then make another ordinance that any business not “historically” located in the city limits applying for a business license the fee goes up the further you are located from the city so as not to cripple someone who just happens to live say one mile outside the city limits but who’s primary business is within the city. Thus someone really out of our area would pay much more just for the license and the city makes money off of a bidder regardless if they are the lowest.

    OR, anyone who submits a bid without a city license is then sent a bill for attempting to “operate” a business within the city limits without a license, and is promptly fined say $500 under an ordinance.

    The city wins in multiple ways! No new taxes and the worst that happens is bids go up by the cost of a license that they city already made money on! Locals aren’t affected as they already have the license that cost practically nothing.

    Kinda cool, but would never happen.

  12. Alex Campbell says - Posted: June 2, 2010

    Something Dick Cheney would never approve.

  13. dogwoman says - Posted: June 2, 2010

    Alex, let go of your anger. Dick Cheney hasn’t been vice president in a year and a half now. Let it go. ..