Nevada No. 1 place to get a divorce
By Frank X. Mullen Jr., Reno Gazette-Journal
Reno is in fourth place nationally among cities that are “most doomed for divorce,” according to Men’s Health magazine.
Las Vegas came in second after first-place Cheyenne, Wyo. Billings, Mont., was third on the list of 100 cities ranked in order of their propensity to become Splitsville.
To determine where “I do” is most doomed, the magazine considered the rate of failed marriages, the stringency of divorce laws, the percentage of the population who have split and the number of licensed marriage and family therapists.
In 2007, Nevada had 6.5 divorces per 1,000 population, as compared to 5.4 rate in Wyoming and a 4-per-1,000 rate in Montana, according to the Division of Vital Statistics at the National Center for Health Statistics.