Rallying support for Chelsea’s Law
To the community,
In the continuing effort to better protect California’s children from violent sexual predators, I want to urge you to take part in the Chelsea’s Law Petition Drive.
Chelsea’s Law, which you can read about in detail here, is a bill pending before the Legislature. It was named after San Diego teenager Chelsea King, whose life was tragically taken by a convicted sex offender earlier this year.
The initial goal of the Chelsea’s Law Petition Drive is to collect 20,000 signatures from across the state. The signed petitions will ultimately be presented to the Legislature as official testimony in support of the bill.
To express your support for this critical measure which will go a long way toward reforming California’s sex offender laws, please print out this petition and circulate it among your family and friends.The petition can be downloaded here and mailed to:
Attention 75th Assembly District
9909 Mira Mesa Blvd., Ste. 130
San Diego, CA 92131
Please return completed petitions by June 10.
Just think — if each of us commits to asking 10 of our friends and neighbors to sign the petition, we can truly demonstrate that we are serious about making changes to protect children from violent sexual predators.
We still have some convincing to do in the Legislature before we can make Chelsea’s Law a reality, so we really need your support. Thank you.
Ted Gaines, California Assembly 4th District