South Shore water meter project off to rocky start


By Kathryn Reed

Surprises. There have been a lot of them as crews put in water meters on the California side of the South Shore.

One house had five lines to it. Pipes aren’t the size crews expected. Some lines are not straight. Others aren’t as deep as expected. Crews have dumped dirt on flowerbeds. Water hasn’t been turned back on. Debris has come out of indoor spigots.

Streets around South Tahoe are a mess as water meters are put in. Photos/Kathryn Reed

Streets around South Tahoe are a mess as water meters are put in. Photos/Kathryn Reed

It was such a cluster of chaos that construction teams in the Angora area were pulled from the job last week and sent to another location of El Dorado County. The North and South Upper Truckee areas are also slated for meters.

“We’re working with the contractor to find a solution,” Paul Sciuto, STPUD assistant general manager, said of the Angora situation. “There are a lot of unknowns.”

It was hoped 40 meters would be installed each day. Some days it has been 15 because of the problems.

GPS units are being used to record where lines are so records will be correct going forward.

The small water districts that now make up STPUD put in much of the infrastructure South Tahoe PUD is responsible for. Lack of uniformity is normal.

South Tahoe Public Utility District has received a number of calls from irate individuals as the installation of nearly 2,800 meters began this month.

Sciuto gave a brief update to the board at its meeting this month. One of the problems is when staff went out to bid last fall to spend the $4.38 million federal grant the bids were lower than expected. This resulted in being able to have a second bid with the “leftover” money. This also meant staff didn’t do the thorough preparation it would have normally liked to have, Sciuto said.

“This project is much more intrusive than many,” Sciuto told Lake Tahoe News.

Drive down Modesto Avenue in the middle of South Lake Tahoe to see how intrusive the project is. Tiechert Construction out of Sacramento started taking over the street Monday and could finish there today.

Several backhoes are churning away at the dirt to dig a hole big enough to fit a white plastic meter pit that is a couple feet tall.

Foreman Matt Carney said at first the city gave his team grief for being in the right-of-way. Then environmental groups complained about how the dirt was being handled. Carney believes everyone has been appeased.

“We get a lot of questions. People are leery about getting meters,” Carney said as he kept an eye on his crew Monday. “I tell them it may lower their water bill. People have been good so far.”

Carney said one surprise has been how pristine the galvanized pipes are after all these years. He attributed this to the soil conditions.

Any landscaping or driveway that is dug up for the meter must be returned to how it looked pre-meter.

Sciuto said cost overruns were anticipated even though all the issues were not. He said if the add-ons were in the 7 percent range, it would be reasonable.

“At this stage it’s hard to gauge (what they will be),” Sciuto said. The district will pick up the cost of the overruns, not the grant. A line is in the budget for this.

All this work is part of the utility district’s quest to meet the state’s unfunded mandate to have water meters installed on every property by 2025. STPUD estimates it will cost $20 million to put in the 10,000 units. The end result is supposed to be less water usage throughout the state.

New homes and ones with major remodels have been required to have meters since 1992. There are 1,600 of those.

One of the issues the local board must still grapple with is a rate for metered use. Money for a rate study is part of the budget that was passed last week for the fiscal year that starts July 1.

Paul Hughes, chief financial officer for the district, told the board a tiered scale is what staff is looking at once consumption patterns are established.

A workshop for the board will be scheduled in the near future to discuss metered rates.

Data from all of the metered residences will be collected for a year, most likely starting in 2011. This will give the district usage information as it goes forward with rates.

Some leeway exists in the state law when it comes to setting rates based on fixed costs and consumption. With the current flat rate, it means people pay the same no matter the usage. This scenario favors full-time residents. Paying based on consumption would likely favor second-home owners.


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Comments (13)
  1. dogwoman says - Posted: May 25, 2010

    Fifteen meters a day?! Up at Angora it took a couple of days to get four of them done. And they disappeared after those.

  2. H says - Posted: May 25, 2010

    This going to cost more than they think,on top this, who’s going to read the meters under a 8 foot berm of ice,snow?
    Have they thought far enough in advance to install meters like the gas company that send out a signal.

  3. LL says - Posted: May 25, 2010

    They have drive-by automated meter reading systems that can read through over ten feet of snow and have had it for years. Check your information before you start posting your comments.

  4. Wah-Wah says - Posted: May 25, 2010

    LOL…..So what happens if we get 20 foot?

  5. Wah-Wah says - Posted: May 25, 2010

    Who calibrater’s these electronic meter readers? State ,local,feds?
    How many times a year are they checked for accuracy with the weights, measurement, dept.?
    How do the customers know if they are being charged fair rates?

  6. Julie Threewit says - Posted: May 25, 2010

    Thank you Kae for another informative article. If there is a project out there of this size and scope that has gone without a hitch I want know about it. I imagine in short order the District will learn from the challenges they’ve encountered and customers will learn more about the meters. And whatever unfolds, you will continue keeping us well informed.

  7. H says - Posted: May 25, 2010

    Like Cable TV comes the reality that water meters will have some serious thought put to it’s security to dodge the price tags.Nothing ever been built that can’t be figured out.
    After a short discussion with fellow old timers, a person with a good education back ground in this subject was brought to light about the effects of magnetic material on a conductor ,using ferrite’s for interference suppressions could show up when people get their new found knowledge on the subject.
    There’s always someone ,somewhere,taking our society to new heights of getting away without paying.
    Would not be a bit surprised that China already got something we all want FOR SALE?
    I want keep you thinking of two different stories,the one that’s keeps the readers,reading, the one that makes you want to find out.
    With the vast knowledge at your fingertips, the question and answers are there for your eyes only to see.Power to the freedom of the press.
    Hell by 2025 the big one could have hit ,the shoreline homes could be consider lake views from the building going on the new found bottom.

  8. LL says - Posted: May 26, 2010

    Sorry, I don’t know anything about the pending apocolypse you are referring to, H, but I do know some things about water meters. Yes, I’m sure that the old adage “if there’s a will, there’s a way” applies with almost anything and that someday some bored person will attempt to tamper or damage their meter and therefore temporarily “get away” with not paying their fair share. The reading mechanism enables STPUD to find these violations and make those corrections, but STPUD can’t be everywhere all the time. They have a productive, proven system in place that has been tested in various snowy locations (yes, and can withstand the 20 feet of snow previously commented on). I know that STPUD is working on a fair and equitable rate structure, but it won’t make everyone happy. For years, the locals have enjoyed watering as much as they want (me included) and now we’ll have to live with a “you get what you pay for” system, which is reality. I am constantly amazed by this environmentally sensistive community who claims that they care about natural resources, but balk at what will enventually be self-imposed water conservation.

  9. doubleblack says - Posted: May 26, 2010

    More apparent insanity. Yes we may need to control water usage and then send our surplus water around the state.
    One gigantic problem. Our acquifer can only supply south shore and we only use 25% of the available water each year.
    Why then are we installing water meters to control use when we can’t export what we don’t use? A lawsuit against the state of CA should have been the first move to stop this insanity.
    Another point. This grant money to put in the meters at 2000.00 dollars per installation is just other taxpayers money and believe me your tax money will be used for other so-called grants to other communities.
    How about that, another loose-loose situation. What incredibly pathetic

  10. H says - Posted: May 26, 2010

    So why didn’t our fine city council tell Jenkins to kick in the @$$, file a suit?
    Agree with double.

  11. LL says - Posted: May 26, 2010

    Because the City and STPUD are two separate entities. One has nothing to do with the other. Guess you don’t look at your bill closely.

  12. H says - Posted: May 26, 2010

    YES LL but the both kiss each others butts!

  13. julia says - Posted: May 10, 2011

    After the meeting at STPUD on Friday the 6th, there were a lot of angry residents. I have a meter. I will be charged for water that I am using. I am all for conservation. I always have been. But I think the water district should have installed the meters and charge us the outrageous costs at once. So all of us have a fair advantage to conserve. The people who won’t get their meters until 2020 can use as much as they want. And they will. Unfair.