TRPA: Grading season arrives with caution

Construction kicked into gear this week at Lake Tahoe, marking the beginning of the grading season in the basin. To protect from erosion, open digging and grading projects are limited to dry months between May 1 and Oct. 15 at Lake Tahoe.

Regardless of the date, however, grading is limited to times that soil is the most stable and activity is likely to cause the least amount of potential polluted runoff.

With some residual snow on the ground this spring, each site should be examined carefully to make sure conditions are suitable for construction activity, said TRPA officials.

Grading is the cutting or moving of soil for construction of a driveway, parking area, utility line, building or other structure. Grading also includes filling, excavation and clearing of soil and is not permitted during periods of precipitation or when a building site is covered with snow.

Any project involving more than three cubic yards of soil disturbance requires a grading permit.

For additional information, call the TRPA front desk at (775) 588.4547.