USFS sets meetings regarding Tahoe basin forest plan

USFSRecreation, forest health, fuels reduction, wildlife habitat, watershed restoration and aquatic habitat will be the subject of meetings next month conducted by the Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit of the U.S. Forest Service.

The public is encouraged to attend to learn about and comment on the forest plan revision, which is agency’s blue print of sorts for the future.

The first meeting is May 11 at the LTBMU Forest Supervisor’s Office, 35 College Drive, South Lake Tahoe. The other is May 13 at the North Tahoe Conference Center, 8318 North Lake Blvd., Kings Beach. Both are from 5-7pm.

Each meeting will begin with an overview of the process and time line for revising the forest plan, after which participants will have the opportunity to talk with staff members regarding alternatives under consideration.

The LTBMU was in the process of revising its forest plan when the 2008 planning rule was enjoined by the U.S. District Court. The 2000 planning rule, under which the LTBMU is now proceeding, requires the Forest Service to develop a draft environmental impact statement that analyzes several alternatives for forest plan revision.

The LTBMU has engaged the public extensively to get input on how the plan should be revised. Despite the changes in process, the public’s comments and suggestions remain relevant and will continue to shape the proposed revised plan and the alternatives.

Approximately 75 percent of the Lake Tahoe Basin is managed by the Forest Service. The LTBMU’s current plan is 20 years old.

More information on LTBMU forest plan revision is available here.