Barton Foundation golf tournament
Mulligan’s are allowed during Barton Foundation’s 16th annual Golf Tournament at Genoa Lakes – The Lakes Course on July 23, but only if you pay for them.
Proceeds from the tournament benefit the foundation’s community health endowment fund.
Registration, mulligan and raffle ticket sales begin at 6:45am. The fun, scramble golf tournament starts at 8am. Competitions throughout the course give golfers the chance to take home special prizes. As the golfing ends, guests join the awards party, barbecue and announcement of raffle prize winners.
Golfers also have the opportunity to win a car with a hole-in-one, courtesy of Cardinale Way, as well as other prizes for holes-in-one on additional holes. Everyone will compete in the closest-to-the-hole and longest drive competitions.
The $175 per person entry fee, of which $100 is tax deductible, includes green fees, cart, golfer amenity package, a barbecue lunch and no host bar.
Each year Barton has made changes to enhance the tournament and draw greater interest for returning golfers as well as for new supporters.
Over the years, more than $520,000 has been raised from the golf tournament.
All proceeds help build Barton Foundation’s Endowment Fund. Endowment investment earnings have allowed the Barton Foundation to fund various hospital projects including construction of the helipad in 2001, fund the Hospice program and Health Resource Center in 2002, purchase automated external defibrillators for El Dorado and Douglas counties, pay for Life-Line units for Hospice and fund the hospital’s Healing Design program.
Tournament sponsors include Aflac, Relay Health, Northern Trust, State Farm Kingsbury Grade, Dennis and Kathy Cocking, El Dorado Savings Bank, Tahoe Telephone Directories, Harrah’s/Harveys Resort, Secure Medical Systems, HRS Erase, Western Sign Company, G.L. Hicks Finance, California Healthcare Insurance Company, Marquee Fire Protection, Lakeside Inn, McKesson and Charter Business.
To register, call (530) 543.5614 or go to Search for Golf Tournament.