Compost Tahoe video looking for votes

To friends of Compost Tahoe,

We finally have our video done on so we are now officially entered in the MYOO Create waste prevention contest. The winning entry will receive $15K in funding so please click on the link and vote for us.

In order to vote, you have to create a user name and password. It’s free and there are some very cool ideas to read about. Be sure to check out the Plastiki … a boat made entirely of plastic bottles which is sailing around the world to bring attention to the problem of plastics in our oceans.

Check it out, please vote for us and be sure to spread the word to your friends.

Thank you,

David Hansen, director of engineering at Embassy Suites Lake Tahoe Hotel & Ski Resort

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Comments (9)
  1. david hansen says - Posted: June 10, 2010

    Thank you Lake Tahoe News.

  2. Jacquie Chandler says - Posted: June 10, 2010

    Supporting this effort to compost food waste into rich organic soil that can grow healthy food – is one of the biggest steps you can take toward sustaining your community. please VOTE

  3. Tom Wendell says - Posted: June 10, 2010

    Yes, thank you Kae for helping us spread the word!!
    Not only does this program divert methane producing food waste from the landfill, it’s second element, Grow Tahoe, will provide a healthy growing medium to be used in community gardens and (with proper funding), state-of-the-art greenhouses that are currently growing food year-round in similar alpine environments.
    A local food program like this will provide farm-fresh, organic produce for local restaurants, schools and farmers markets. This is one major step toward becoming a sustainable community and similar programs have benefited from an increase in geo-tourism through National Geographics recognition as a ‘Sustainable Destination’.
    As a bonus, in the event of a natural disaster that hampers delivery into the Tahoe Basin, we would have some insurance against food scarcity. Please take a few moments to see our video, leave a comment and vote for some funding for Compost Tahoe.

  4. Wah-Wah says - Posted: June 10, 2010

    People don’t seem to be having any problems growing pot,what’s the difference between food and herb?

    Going on all over town,oil for light, green turns to cash.

  5. Careaboutthecommunity says - Posted: June 10, 2010

    Community gardens seem like a good idea. I can’t grow anything in my yard due to the critters. Hopefully a larger group could come up with a way to block out the freeloaders ;)

  6. Steven says - Posted: June 10, 2010

    Say Tom, how many green houses will it take to keep this town in food after a disaster? And how much compost? We better get busy, maybe outlaw garbage disposers!

  7. Tom Wendell says - Posted: June 11, 2010

    Well Steven, assuming your query is not tongue-in-cheek, there are no metrics that I’m aware of to base that calculation on. Would depend on how many people were in the basin at the time, duration of closures, etc. I’m simply saying that in the not unimaginable event of a major natural disaster that renders most or all roads into the basin unpassable, a system for growing food in the basin could provide at least some insurance against a major food shortage.

  8. Steven says - Posted: June 11, 2010

    Tom, my comment did start out tongue in cheek, but then I started thinking more serious about it. Just day to day, what could be better than home grown veggies? Think chickens are allowed to be raised in South Tahoe? They would be much better than that other animal, vacation rentals!

  9. Wah-Wah says - Posted: June 11, 2010

    lol at Steve ,you and the rentals,we aren’t going to have a food shortage,but Steve to your delight we might have a tourist shortage.
    Convert all vacation rentals in to pot farms and watch the happiness grow.Steve they don’t even make any noise as they grow.

    Then you’ll see the tourist show up with bags full money.

    The hops eatables Triple chocolate cookies candy, lemon chiffon cookie candy are so “GOOD”.YOU’LL BE BACK FOR MORE……makes a day on the lake trolling for lake trout a delight,you can almost feel the leafs sprouts on you Tan with big blue in the crashing waves on east shore throwing up rainbows of colors from it’s fury.