International action sports film festival at MontBleu

After a hugely successful 10th anniversary in Salt Lake City earlier this year, X-Dance, the world’s premier international action sports film festival, is taking its award-winning films on the road – including being on the South Shore June 10-12.

XDance will screen top award-winning international films that feature wakeboarding, mountain biking, surfing, skateboarding, skiing, snowboarding and alpine adventure. In addition, X-Dance will host off-the-charts parties and incredible music to celebrate action sports culture.

Warren Miller, the godfather of action sports films, will attend the festivities at MontBleu in Stateline.

On June 10, 968 Park Hotel in South Tahoe will host a VIP event at the hotel to honor Miller.

For more information on the event and tickets, click here.


June 11:

$25 retail, $15 Wholesale

Screening Location — MontBleu showroom

5-9:45pm: Screenings, Entertainment and Awards

11pm-3am Vex Night Club After Party

June 12:

$35 Retail, $25 Wholesale

Screening Location — MontBleu showroom

5:30-9pm Screenings, Entertainment and Awards

9-11:30pm Live Music with Shcwayze

11:30pm-3am After party at Opal Ultra Lounge in MontBleu.