Nevada to resume annual tourism conference

Gov. Jim Gibbons and Lt. Gov. Brian Krolicki are resurrecting the Nevada Commission on Tourism’s Governor’s Conference on Tourism after a two-year hiatus.

“It was a difficult decision to put the conference on hold, but the economy and strained budgets required NCOT to do so,” Krolicki, NCOT chair, said in a statement. “The conference has become a staple of learning and networking for Nevada’s tourism industry, and it’s with great pleasure we can resume this valuable program.”

The conference will be at the Peppermill Resort Casino in Reno Dec. 7-8. It will focus heavily on analyzing current travel trends in order to understand economically induced changes to who is traveling, how they’re traveling and how to reach them. The registration fee will also be significantly reduced from previous years to reflect the shorter, yet high-caliber schedule.

The 2010 Governor’s Conference on Tourism is partnering with UNR, which is having a conference Dec. 8-10 on social media marketing. The Reynold’s School of Journalism, College of Business and Extended Studies program are hosting the SM@RT conference (Social Media at Reno-Tahoe) and will help develop and promote the Governor’s Conference on Tourism.

For more information on the Governor’s Conference on Tourism, visit