South Tahoe’s American Legion struggling to stay viable
South Lake Tahoe American Legion members are hoping their chapter does not go the same way as the local Veterans of Foreign Wars affiliate – by the wayside and being disbanded by the national organization.
With fewer people joining the legion, it is a real possibility South Lake Tahoe may one day not have an American Legion chapter.
“We need people to join,” said George Ramirez of American Legion Post 795 Stella Van Dyke Johnson. “We know there are a lot of veterans in town.”
Ramirez was speaking at the annual Memorial Day festivities this week. His plea was to those in attendance and beyond.
The legion has 114 members, but has a hard time getting a quorum of seven at its monthly meetings. The Legion meets the third Tuesday at 6pm at the hall on Highway 50 in the middle of town.
“We want to get the next generation involved. The vets from the Iraq wars are not joining (the Legion),” Ramirez said.
The local auxiliary also needs members. The women’s group meets the third Wednesday at 5:30pm at the hall.
Congress created the American Legion in 1919, a year after World War I ended. There are 3 million men and women in the world who are part of the Legion.
Someone is at the South Lake Tahoe site Thursday-Sunday starting at 4pm to answer questions about joining the Legion or renting the facility. For more information, call (530) 541.8788.