McClintock releases survey results from congressional district

To the community,

Support for the Auburn Dam, concern about record spending by the federal government and a desire for more local control highlight the results of a constituent survey conducted by my staff.

This district-wide survey’s results echo what I have heard in 20 town hall meetings and from countless letters, emails and phone calls over the last year and a half. Simply put, many Americans are dissatisfied with the direction of the country and with excessive government growth.

Tom McClintock

Tom McClintock

Highlights from the survey include:

70 percent say taxes are too high;

81 percent are opposed to more federal government bailouts;

67 percent believe the government takeover of health care will lead to higher prices and shortages;

16 percent support an energy tax to combat global warming;

85 percent believe illegal immigration is an urgent problem;

77 percent believe the country is on the wrong track.

Full survey results can be read at


This survey was conducted through U.S. mail, with survey forms being mailed to 147,066 voting constituent households. The survey was mailed on March 10 and responses were accepted through April 23, resulting in 14,124 responses. It is important to note that this survey was not designed to function as a public opinion poll, but rather as an accurate depiction of the policy preferences and concerns of voting constituents in the Fourth Congressional District. As such, methodological measures were not employed to offset word and question ordering effects, nor have results been weighted to reflect regional population or demographic quotas. Nonetheless, received responses were generally in line with the geographic distribution of the district’s population, with a deviation of approximately 5 percent or less.

Rep. Tom McClintock