11 candidates vie for 3 South Tahoe council seats


South Lake Tahoe voters will have 11 names to choose from for the three open City Council seats on the Nov. 2 ballot.

south tahoeThe candidates are Tom Davis, Angela Swanson, Georg May, Claire Fortier, Joy Curry, Steve Kubby, Adrian Gooch, Elizabeth Hallen, Dough Cichowicz, Alice Jones and Clint Schue.

No one challenged the incumbents for city clerk or treasurer, Suzie Alessi and David Olivo.


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This article was written by admin


Comments (19)
  1. voicemail says - Posted: August 12, 2010

    Too many.

  2. Careaboutthecommunity says - Posted: August 12, 2010

    I think it’s great that so many are willing to toss their hat in the ring. You are appreciated :)

  3. Toogee says - Posted: August 12, 2010

    Let the games begin! This is going to be interesting! Hope ya all got thick skin.

  4. ME says - Posted: August 12, 2010

    Tom Davis, Angela Swanson, Claire Fortier are the only three that can move this town forward………

  5. dogwoman says - Posted: August 12, 2010

    Puhleeeeeze, NOT Tom Davis again? Looks like it’s going to be an interesting fall!

  6. 40 year Resident says - Posted: August 12, 2010

    Give it up Tom your time has come and gone. Time for some new blood.

  7. John Lee says - Posted: August 12, 2010

    When is the first forum? Come with your resumes. Convictees bring your explanations. Swanson was great on the board, if you could do the same and stay with it you might be a good. Tom stay home with George. Claire and Joy what you got in mind? Not mentioned? Exactly.

  8. Julie Threewit says - Posted: August 13, 2010

    Candidates. Where can we read about your positions and plans for the city?

  9. Steven says - Posted: August 15, 2010

    Tom Davis is only in it to fatten his wallet. He says he is for locals, yet after 3 terms we still don’t have sidewalks and now no bus system. But he got his vacation home rental ordinance so it is legal to run motels in our neighborhoods, especially in the Keys. No on Davis!

  10. Parker says - Posted: August 15, 2010

    Is Claire going to stay in the race this time? Last time Claire dropped out after only a couple weeks saying she couldn’t handle the Council workload. Then she couldn’t even put the effort in to take her name off the ballot!

  11. admin says - Posted: August 16, 2010

    Once someone has qualified for the ballot, it is not possible to get your name off the ballot — it has nothing to do with putting the effort in.

    All candidates are subject to personal attacks, so to speak, because they are considered public figures at this point. But half-truths and falsehoods and lies are not going to do the voters any good.

    If you have something to add about a candidate about why voters should or should not vote for that person, let
    us hear it. Without your full name, though, your credibility is suspect.

    Kathryn Reed, LTN publisher

  12. Parker says - Posted: August 16, 2010

    The ballot had not been printed yet when Claire decided to withdraw! It was quite a surprise when the ballots were printed to see her name on the 2002 ballot! Claire failed to file the necessary paperwork to have her name taken off before the ballots were printed!!

  13. Claire Fortier says - Posted: September 4, 2010

    Actually, Parker, that’s not true. I tried very hard to get my name off the ballot and was very embarrassed it appeared. The reason I withdrew from the council race had nothing to do with the council workload.
    I was running our family business at the time and found we had a serious employee problem that could have cost us our livelihood. Those are just the realities of running a business.
    This time around, I have no such distractions.

  14. Parker says - Posted: September 4, 2010

    While Claire I don’t save newspaper clippings from 2002, and while my memory may be faulty and/or the Tribune may have misquoted you, I did not recall a business emergency as the reason gave for your dropping out? If that was the case, I stand corrected.

    And if I was misinformed at the time, and you did make a diligent effort to get your name off the ballot (and it was an impressive number of votes you received without campaigning!) then my/our/ the voters focus needs to be directed at the bigger issue:
    If the bureaucrats down in the Election office in Placerville couldn’t take the time to pull your name off before the ballots were printed, then it proves what I’ve been telling everyone. At the City, County, State & National levels we have bloated and ineffective bureaucracies! As they complain about their inability to cope with their current revenue shortfalls, everyone needs to be aware that there’s PLENTY of fat that can and needs to be cut!!!

  15. Parker says - Posted: September 7, 2010

    Well as a testament to the new level of thorough reporting you bring to our town after one year in business, way to bring out the Trib. stories from ’02!

    If the story is accurate, I may be wrong in some things I thought or remembered. (Though if I had the time I might try and verify on my own.) But it also seems Ms. Fortier doesn’t accurately recall what she stated in ’02!

  16. Eric Taxer says - Posted: September 8, 2010

    Parker –

    You need to re-read the articles and statements made. Claire never said she couldn’t handle the workload. She stated that she had other priorities to (managing the family business and raising a family) that would detract full attention from City Council issues.

    Your hyperbole implies Claire is a slacker, which she most definitely is not. Claire is a hard-working individual with a commitment to diligence and acheiving effectual accomplishments. Being able to understand the balance in one’s life to appropriately achieve goals for the community is a strength. Clair is one of the very few individuals who can provide the direction this community needs to move forward without being subject to realizing any personal gain other than raising our community to a higher level.

  17. Parker says - Posted: September 8, 2010

    But Eric, she did not mention some business emergency like she now says came up suddenly. Claire talked about all these things that she says would conflict with her putting in the necessary time.

    I have no idea if Claire is a slacker!! If elected, she may turn out to be a good Councilwoman. And yes, being an elected official does take a lot of one’s time. Back in ’02 she should’ve known that before entering the race! Time can make us all wiser. If 8 yrs. later she’s now in it for the long-haul, okay. Let the race for Council begin!

  18. Bruce Rettig says - Posted: October 12, 2010

    Angela Swanson has the experience to make a difference. She knows the local issues and can make the tough decisions. Check out her website at