Babe Ruth and Julia Child share a stage

Lake Tahoe Chautauqua continues its quest to blend the insights of historical research with the fun of theatrical entertainment as it presents “Hot Dogs to Haute Cuisine” at Sand Harbor State Park on Aug. 19 beginning at 6pm.

For those unfamiliar with this entertaining and educational presentation, Chautauqua format is simple: for this summer’s show, a performer, in the guise Babe Ruth will share “firsthand stories about important episodes in the character’s life”, said Ginny Liebner Yates of the Chautauqua festival.

Following this appearance, “a tall, gangly woman with a preposterous voice and joy of life who revolutionized the art of cooking will tell her tale as Julia Child.” After the monologue, the audience and performers engage in a lively give-and-take.

Finally, the scholar emerges from character to respond to questions that could not be answered in character.

Babe Ruth is perhaps the greatest sports hero in American history. But, the “Sultan of Swat” or “The Bambino,” as he came to be known, was more than a ballplayer, he was a public figure whose popularity transcended that of any game.

Julie Child will take the stage to depict a picture of what her life entailed back in the 1960s. The audience will learn about how Child brought her love of French cooking to the American public.

Prices are: $25 upper gallery, $35 for lower gallery and reserved are $50 and $55. Tickets are available by calling call 800.747.4697 or by visiting www.