Barton Auxiliary celebrating 50 years; looking for memorabilia

Barton Memorial Hospital’s Auxiliary is looking for people who have had something to do with the volunteers in the past 50 years.

The auxiliary is having a fund-raising, celebration lunch on Sept. 20 at Edgewood Tahoe. Cocktails are at 11am, with a sit-down lunch at 1pm. Cost is $100.

Patty Olson, 85, who is helping with the lunch and was one of the pioneers to get the hospital built, is also the person collecting memorabilia regarding the hospital and the auxiliary. The plan is to have it all displayed at the lunch.

The auxiliary is continually raising money to pay for “extras”.

“We just gave $300,000 to the free clinic. They have raised millions over the years,” Olson said of the auxiliary. “The auxiliary paid for the first payroll of the doctors.”

For more information about the auxiliary anniversary lunch in Stateline, contact Olson at (530) 544.2449.

— Compiled by Kathryn Reed