Carson City mint show could be striking

By Mel Shields, Sacramento Bee

United States mints tended to be built where the action was. The California Gold Rush created the San Francisco Mint, and the Comstock Lode created the Carson City Mint.

From 1870 to 1893, the Carson City Mint produced 50 issues of silver coins and 57 issues of gold coins, all bearing the distinctive “CC” mark. It is now the Nevada State Museum, but it hasn’t given up its origins entirely.

The museum hosts the Carson City Mint Coin Show on Friday and Saturday, featuring more than 30 dealers, free appraisals and plenty of activities for kids.

“With the price of gold going sky-high, all of us should take up panning for gold,” said Deborah Stevenson, the museum’s curator of education. Panning may not be necessary: In the gaming spirit of Nevada, there is a raffle.

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