Creating a cohesive cycling community
To the community,
The Lake Tahoe Bicycle Coalition is keeping its efforts rolling and producing results. And, we can accomplish more with your help. Here are a few ways you can help build our bicycle community: tell your favorite business about the free bike rack program and encourage them to get one; share your top 10 bike rides for a new bike website, help improve the bike trail map, get ready to participate in the Tahoe Bike & Trail Day Festival, and attend the mountain bike trails conference to learn and connect with others planning to build a world-class bicycle community and destination.
Now, no more whining about what isn’t happening. It is long time for all of us to recognize what is — how a dedicated group of bicyclists are working together with key stakeholders, agencies, organizations and businesses to help transform our region and become more livable, sustainable and bike friendly.
We can do more with your participation. Become a member of the Coalition. Volunteer to help out at our events. Voice your views and concerns at governmental meetings. Write letters to the editor and your representatives. Create events, programs, products or share your ideas with others to help build the future you see for Tahoe.
Working together, we can help create what is to be — now.
Enjoy the summer, be safe and friendly, and see you on the trails.
Ty Polastri, president Lake Tahoe Bicycle Coalition