Federal grant provides academic aid to LTCC students

Lake Tahoe Community College has received a $219,900 grant to provide academic and other support services to low-income, first generation and disabled college students.

ltccThe U.S. Department of Education money is designed to increase student retention and graduation rates, facilitate their transfer from two-year to four-year colleges, and foster an institutional climate supportive of the success of these students.

The first chunk of money is for this coming school year, though it’s anticipated the grant will be for five years.

Program services may include: instruction in basic study skills; tutorial services; academic, financial, or personal counseling; assistance in securing admission and financial aid for enrollment in four-year institutions; assistance in securing admission and financial aid for enrollment in graduate and professional programs; guidance on career options; mentoring and special services for students with limited English proficiency; and grant aid.

Lake Tahoe Community College, when applying for the grant, said it expects to help 140 students with the Student Support Services Program money.

In fall 2008, 80.2 percent of the South Shore college’s total enrollment was eligible for SSS services and 48.3 percent of the fall 2008 entering students who demonstrated academic need were SSS eligible students, the college told the feds.